
Be my valentine

Today is the valentine's day. Many people will accompany their lovers. Others will dream that their dream person will come out. By the way, what kind of present will you send to your lover?
When refer to the valentine, you may think about the one in your heart. What kind of person this is? If this is a man, he must be wise, handsome and tall; if this is a woman, she must be very sexy, pretty and clever. So will you choose batman as your dream valentine? Definitely, many women will do that. Because batman is really veru cool, powerful and brave. Women want to find this kind of person to protect them and take care of them. 
But see this lovely photo, batman is the valentine of supergirl! They are the couple! You may not have any chance. But don't worry, you can find your valentine in the future. And you can buy this cute toys for your lover and tell him/her that " Be my valentine".

